Monday, February 06, 2006

Europeans Draw Muhammad

Who would have thought in Europe they still had some balls? A Danish newspaper printed cartoons of Muhammad, which is heretical to Islam, and made fun of him. This was in reaction to the death of Danish director Theo Van Gogh in 2004 who was murderd by an Islamo-fascist for making Submission, a film about the oppression of women in Islam. In a sign of Solidarity other European newspapers have printed the cartoons.

Local Muslim leaders want the Danish authorities to ban the cartoons. In the Middle East to combat the illustrations that Muslims are violent and intolerant; throngs of protestors rioted attacking European embassies, gunmen siezed an EU office in Gaza, and death threats were made against the cartoonists. It's at the height of hipocracy for these same Muslims protesting religous intolerance while across the Middle East Muslims have cartoons of Jews as greedy and controling the world, prime time specials of rabbis using the blood of a Christian child for a traditional Jewish meal, and protest of Christians and Jews for just stepping foot in Saudi Arabia.

This is ridiculous. Why do Muslims protest a dozen cartoons printed in a newspaper in a far off country that they'd never read? Why don't the terrorist bomings in Jordan of Muslims cause a simliar reaction?

It's about time that our allies in Europe stood up to Islamo-fascists. It would have been more predictable if they capitulated, removed the cartoons and apologized. Throughout Europe there is a Muslim invasion going on; immigrating into Europe in greater numbers than any other group, growing in population faster than their European hosts, collecting in ghettos, not assimilating into the European culture, and are drawing on the European welfare system.

In France and Germany we've gotten a taste of the hostility breeding in Europe with the riots that seemed to never end and the continual images of burning cars.


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